Ten-Go is a unique Sports Alive concept. A tailor-made treasure trail involving 10 specific locations, one lucky winner has the chance of winning a big headline prize, along with a guaranteed prize, which is drawn at random. It’s a win-win situation for our clients and their customers!

How it works
The idea is for companies, event organisers or charities to sign up 10 businesses to participate in the Ten-Go challenge or use 10 of their locations. Visitors to the 10 Ten-Go locations will be in with the chance of winning a guaranteed prize, but if a visitor frequents the 10 sites in a specific pre-set order, they will automatically win the big headline prize (of cash, £1 million, a car or a holiday, for example). Prizes are offered risk-free to the client, with the only cost implication being the original sign-up fee. In the event of a big headline prize being won, Sports Alive will pay out.
What it delivers to you
The concept appeals to businesses looking to offer a big headline prize risk-free. This guarantees to generate publicity and increase footfall, while also providing a fun and engaging activity for customers, without having the expense of costly competition prizes.
Ten-Go Case Study
Example of a ‘Ten-Go’ promotion
Norfolk Chamber of Commerce had a Ten-Go promotion at their recent B2B exhibition. They sold their 10 spaces within 24 hours and the day was a great success with Ten-Go assisting with additional footfall to the event and PR prior to and during the event.
“The Ten-Go cash prize competition gave a real excitement to our exhibition. Giving visitors the chance to win a cash prize with a fun trail was a great way to get them engaged and a great addition for our ten exclusive stands taking part. The whole process was so easy and we had everything we needed provided for the day.” Sam – Norfolk CoC.

Please contact us on +44 (0) 1508 495045 or email info@sportsalive.net for further information and a quote